Dream Market Alternative
Dream Market Alternative
Dream Market Alternative – Dream Market, one of the largest darkweb marketplaces of all time, will be shutting down in April 2019, according to an announcement posted by the market’s staff members. (source:
https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/dark-web-drug-dream-market-fbi-honeypot-a8843456.html )
We want to add a couple of words here. As many of you already know, we were on darkweb since 2012, we’be been on original Silk Road as well as the second one, and then Evolution, and then Hansa, AlphaBay and now Dream Market. We’ve been through all that shit. And we are still here, serving our customers like before. As it’s been said before, many of dream market users think this is LE trap so, STAY AWAY FROM Dream Market and darkweb in general, at least for now. We (coca-droppers) will TRY OUR BEST to be and stay the best alternative for Dream Market and darkweb in general.
This is the reason we ditched darknet and opened our own shop here. In this year we want to grow bigger, to serve our customers even better. Our vision stays the same like it was, selling drugs without violence, treating customers the best we can and offering best customer service.
So, dear reader, if you are new to us and if you’re from Dream Market, you can check out our shop here: Dropit-here.com
A notice on Dream Market announces the site’s intention to close in April
UPDATE – 04/20/2019: WARNING: Wall Street Market (WSM), the second biggest market (after Dream) is now on EXIT-SCAM. DO NOT DEPOSIT ANY FUNDS INTO WALL ST MARKET. STAY AWAY!